News Letter
Are you free?
For some, it happens when they turn 30. For others, at 50. For still some others, it only happens in their twilight years. But most people eventually come to realize that a life of getting gets old and empty. A new desire rises - a desire for significance and impact.
If you have acquired practical skills that you want to impart into the next generation, Amakhono Okuphila would like to offer you an opportunity to change the future for many. If you would like to find out more about our volunteer trainer opportunities, please contact us and we'd be glad to speak through the possibilities with you.

Covid-19 Update
We can all relate to the daily disruption of Covid-19. Amakhono Okuphila has not been exempt from the impact of lockdown regulations. As we strive to positively impact the community, we are eager to run as many Skills courses as possible. We are operating at nearly full steam again and will do so with the utmost respect to safety protocol and strict adherence to Covid regulations as set by the South African Government.
We are about to launch our first training program for 2021.
The difficult year that was 2020 not only challenged us, it also presented us with new opportunities. Among those opportunities, we were able to start a successful Business Incubator project which enabled the registration of three new businesses for seven sewing ladies.
Opportunities like that leave us questioning: What new and exciting things lie in store this 2021?
In under two weeks, on the 19th of February, S4L will hold registration for our March training program where we will welcome approximately 20 students onto the site for training in:
1) Cooking and Baking
2) Sewing
3) Computer Literacy
4) Woodwork
Students who complete this course often walk away with not only a new skill-set but also a renewed sense of confidence in their abilities and fresh hope in the future.
We're excited about your following along with our journey this year.
We know 2020 was a hard, strange journey, and for sure this year will be one too. Our hearts and minds go out to everyone who has faced difficulty during this trying time!
First Training for 2021
Sewing Business Incubator
The ladies arrived in May and are nearing the end of their time with us. Having passed the S4L sewing course prior to this present incubator project, their focus has now changed to registering and building a sewing business. The Amakhono Okuphila business incubator has taken them through Paradigm Shift's business growth course and aided them with vital advice for forming their businesses. Five of the ladies have together formed and registered a primary cooperative, while two of the ladies have registered their businesses individually. They are currently using our premises to work from as a stepping stone towards working independently. In the picture below the ladies are meeting with local business owners to gain some practical advice and about talk partnership opportunities.